3 Best Angular Chart Libraries with Example

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the best Angular chart and data visualization opensource libraries to help you better understand your options.

ngx charts is a Swimlane open-source project, ngx chart is a collection of data visualization charts. These include line/area/bar charts, heatmap, treemap, number Cards, contour plots, pie and donut charts, sunbursts, radar charts, parallel coordinates, and treemaps.

NPM package name :  @swimlane/ngx-charts . This charts library has earned it a total of  4K stars on GitHub and a weekly volume of 1.16M npm downloads

Ngx charts render and animate the SVG elements with all of Angular’s binding and speed advantages. custom charts can be created by combining the various ngx charts components exposed by the ngx-charts module.

angular chart, ngx charts

Key features of the best Angular charts : ngx charts library.

Event handlingData point Event Handlers
Open SourceYes
DynamicAllows to modify chart & Real-time data support
CompatabilityBrowsers and mobile platforms

How to use ngx charts in angular component

Ngx charts, here’s an example of a “ngx-charts-bar-vertical” component dataset declared and initialized in the project’s component class Ts file.

export class AppComponent {
  view: any[] = [700, 400];
  colorScheme = {
    domain: ['#5AA454', '#A10A28', '#C7B42C']

  // options
  showXAxis = true;
  showYAxis = true; 
  showLegend = true;
  showXAxisLabel = true;
  xAxisLabel = 'Country';
  showYAxisLabel = true;
  yAxisLabel = 'Population';

      "name": "Germany",
      "value": 8940000
      "name": "USA",
      "value": 5000000
      "name": "France",
      "value": 7200000
  constructor() {    
  // on select event
  onSelect(event) {

The snippet above shows an example of ngx charts. In the example above.


Google Charts

“google-chart” is Angular based open-source wrapper for Google Charts that enables attractive and feature-rich Google Charts visualizations within an Angular application and These include Line Charts, Area Charts, Pie Charts, and Sankey Chart

NPM package name :  angular-google-charts. This chart library has earned it a total of  217 stars on GitHub and a weekly volume of 15K npm downloads.

Key features of the Google Chart library.

Event handlingYes (control the tooltip programmatically)
Open SourceYes
DynamicAllows to modify chart & data dynamically from server
CompatabilityBrowsers and mobile platforms

How to use Google Charts in angular component

Here’s an example of a “google-chart” component dataset declared and initialized in the project’s component class Ts file.

export class AppComponent {
 title = 'Browsers  - google PieChart demo';
   type = 'PieChart';
   data = [
      ['Firefox', 15.0],
      ['IE', 16.8],
      ['Chrome', 30.8],
      ['Safari', 18.5],
      ['Opera', 6.2],
      ['Others', 0.7] 
   columnNames = ['Browser', 'Percentage'];
   options = {    
   width = 400;
   height = 400;

<google-chart #chart

C3 Charts

C3 charts is an open-source project and is a collection of data visualization charts. These include Timeseries Chart, Combination Chart, Line Chart with Regions, Stanford Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, and Step Chart.

NPM package name:  C3. This charts library has earned it a total of  9.1K stars on GitHub and a weekly volume of 87K npm downloads.

Key features of the C3 Charts library.

TransformTo Line Chart, To Pie Chart, and To Spline Chart
InteractionSub chart and Zoom feature
Open SourceYes
DataLoad data dynamically,Data Label Format and Data from URL
CompatabilityBrowsers and mobile platforms

How to use C3 Charts in angular component

Here’s an example of a “C3” component dataset declared and initialized in the project’s component class Ts file.

export class AppComponent {
  ngAfterViewInit() {
   var chart = c3.generate({
    bindto: '#splinechart',
    data: {
        columns: [
            ['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250],
            ['data2', 130, 100, 140, 200, 150, 50]
        type: 'spline'
<div id="splinechart"></div> 

Other top best angular charts

Highcharts – Framework for commercial charts
Plotly – provides commercial business intelligence and data science.

  • Post category:Angular
  • Reading time:6 mins read