Next.js Server Side Rendering (SSR) and Dynamic Routing

In this post, you are going to learn how to install and run a Next.js application the easy way. Creating a Next.js app requires Node.js, and npx installed.

  • Visit the official Node.js page and download the latest Node.js and install Node, which also includes NPM (Node Package Manager), and npx comes bundled with npm version 5.2+.
  • Install TypeScript, You can install TypeScript as an NPM package “npm install -g typescript“. 
  • once the installation is completed. The “npx create-next-app” command will be used to create a Next.js application.
npm install -g typescript 

What is Server Side Rendering (SSR)

Server Side Rendering (SSR) is a technology that renders applications on the server. By default, React JS application executes in the browser, rendering the pages whenever a user takes any action.
Next.js executes on the server-side by generating static pages and later are sent to the client browser for display. The fetching of the dynamic data is done by server-side. This is how we used to render web pages in the old days (PHP/ASP.Net/Python) and for a more detailed look, check out this article.

What are we going to build

We recommend creating a new Next.js  with Typescript app using create-next-app, which sets up everything automatically. To create a project, run the below command in the terminal or command prompt. This command creates a new Next.js application and installs the required packages (next, react, and react-dom).

# Create a new Next.js app with typescript
npx create-next-app <app-name> -- typescript 

The installation process may take a few minutes. Once is done, a folder that appears in your workspace with the name you gave to your app. below are some Next.js build commands, which we’re going to use soon.

  • dev starts the development server.
  • start runs the Next.js app in production mode.
  • build to build your Next.js app for production.
"scripts": {
    "dev": "next dev",
    "build": "next build",
    "start": "next start",
    "lint": "next lint"

Now using the terminal, to start your application run npm run dev. This will make the app available on http://localhost:3000. On inspecting the source code, we can see that the SSR is working as it should.

How to create dynamic routes

Next.js project comes with a pages folder. its defines routes based on the file with the extensions( like .js ,.ts and .tsx) under the pages directory as a route. For nested routes, you have to create a folder instead of a file. Consider below folder structure as an example.

│   index.js -> url: / home page   
└───posts/     |  
     └─── angular.tsx  -> url: /posts/angular
     └─── react.tsx  -> url: /posts/react 

Here, we have three pages with .tsx extension

  • index.tsx is the home page accessible on http://localhost:3000.
  • posts/angular.tsx is the page located on the posts folder and accessible on http://localhost:3000/posts/angular.
  • posts/react.tsx is the page located on the posts folder and accessible on http://localhost:3000/posts/react

How to navigate and pass route parameters in dynamic routes

By default, Next.js Link Component allows navigation between routes. First, you should import the Link component from the “next/link” module and then wrap your anchor tag”<a>” with it.

import Link from "next/link";
export default function AngularPage() {
    return (
        <div className="container">
            <h3>Angular Blog</h3>
                <Link href="/posts/angular">
                    <a>Angular page</a>
                <Link href="/posts/react">
                    <a>React page</a>

Next.js allows you to pass parameters with the route and then get back the data using the useRouter.

import Link from "next/link";
export default function AngularPage() {
    return (
        <div className="container">
            <h3>Angular Blog</h3>
                <Link href={{
                    pathname: "/posts/typescript",
                    query: { id: "test" },
                    <a>Typescript page</a>

Here, we import the useRouter hook to get the data passed in route, we pull it from the query object using destructuring.

import Link from "next/link";
import { useRouter } from "next/router"
export default function TypePage() {
    const router = useRouter()
    const {
        query: { id },
    } = router
    return (
        <div className="container">
            <h3>Typescript Blog</h3>
            parameter value  is: {id}

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Source code available for download

The source code is available on Stackblitz of the Next.js Server Side Rendering (SSR) and Dynamic Routing 

Demo Application URL: URL or

  • Post category:Next js
  • Reading time:6 mins read